Bring home this pizza box full of Sweet Christmas family fun! I do all the hard work for you. Just open the box and start having some creative fun! Each kit comes with 1 dozen cookies (three of each shown), 4 Royal Icing piping bags, 4 coordinating types of sprinkles, and a cookie instruction sheet. I only make 5 dozen cookies per week. Once orders have maxed out, I close all orders for that week. Please get your order in as soon as possible if you want your gift sets for the Holiday week. The checkout process will prompt you to put in the date you would like to pick up your cookies. Orders made by Friday are ready for pick up in Post Falls the following Friday, unless you email me to secure your order for the week of a Holiday. For example; if you place an order on Saturday, it will not be processed until the following Friday and it will not be ready for pick up until the Friday after that.


What Friday Date do you want your order by?: *